Chapter 32
Spiritual beings
At the beginning I would like to organize the vocabulary of spiritual beings and, if possible, define some basic concepts.
First, of course, I include the Original Being.
In the part titled "Original Being," I explained exactly why I called the Creator and who He is. There are definitions there.
However, in this part I am discussing an existing being, i.e. a human being. I called him an eternal being. This eternity also applies to all other spiritual beings, but man is a special category of being, the closest to God. I also provide the relevant definitions here.
The uniqueness of man results from the fact that God breathed a part of His Personality into him. It means that in the form of a spiritual person, He has transferred a part of Himself to him. It is a sign of God's direct presence at the birth of every human being. From this moment, the period of growth begins for him. At the same time, for God, it is a time of waiting for a person to achieve personal perfection, which is associated with the full experience of child, marital and parental love.
Thus, the human being, as the only one in the universe, is going through a full path of development imitating the creative path of God. Man is to become a mature master of all things, an eternal being who reigns in the universe with Original Being.
Next, I exchange human supporters, or spiritual entities called angels. I do not have much knowledge about the "structure" of the angelic spiritual world, so I will focus only on the basic issues. The existence of several archangels, for example Michael, Gabriel or Raphael, not forgetting about Lucifer, is described in the Bible, which I respect as an important source of knowledge. In addition to the archangels, there are a huge number of angels who are apparently indispensable to God and man. It seems that "ordinary" angels are meant to take care of particular people, while the role of archangels is to perform various missions entrusted to them by the Creator.
We inherited from the Middle Ages a little mythological vision of the so-called heaven. Besides, in all religions there is a tendency to create a fairy-tale image of the spiritual world, which can be seen in the example of ancient Egypt, Greece or Rome. That is why Christians, in reaction to the poor Judaism in this respect, created mythology about angelic choirs, golden trumpets, on which they play for the glory of God, and the mystical circle surrounding the throne of God. Such a vision of heaven has survived to this day, and even replaces many people with a true picture of the activities of angels. Meanwhile, in reality, they should be seen as active assistants of people in the process of achieving personal perfection. God does not really need angels to play trumpets and sing praise hymns to Him. He created them to look after His children and to communicate His Will, especially during their lifetime on Earth. I think that almost all of them are our guardians who lead us all their lives. At its end, their role is to introduce us to the spiritual world, when they can receive the name of the angels of death. I suppose they are still the same spiritual guardians we receive from God at birth.
Angels have, like us, an inner character that can be called a "spiritual soul". In their inner character there is a considerable level of intelligence, will and affection, but it certainly does not reach the level of these attributes in man. Of course, we are talking about a man who has reached the level of personal perfection in the Kingdom of Heaven. But their knowledge of the spiritual world is incomparably greater than the present knowledge of people.
An angel is, in a sense, a "poorer" version of the spiritual person, because he does not need a physical person to his existence. He is not fully a person because he has no sex, and above all, he cannot directly, like a human being, experience childhood, marital and parental love.
Comparing the location of angels and animals to people, one can say that the spiritual person of a human is a more perfect spiritual being than an angel, and his physical person is a more perfect being than an animal. Man is the maximum fruit of the emotionality of God, while the angel is a being representing the narrow sphere of tasks assigned to him by the Creator. This clearly defines the roles they play in His world.
The angel has no physical body, and therefore has no associated senses. In our world by himself he cannot see, he does not hear, he has no sense of taste, smell or shape. Therefore, he cannot directly feel what our senses experience. However, by serving a man on the Earth who has a spiritual living person, he can equally use the "data" transmitted to him by a physical person who sees, hears and feels the reality that surrounds us. That is why an angel, thanks to the use of a spiritual person from the human senses, can fulfill his role as a spiritual guardian of a man.
Spiritual entities fill the sphere beyond time and space with their presence. This ubiquity concerns those spiritual beings who have achieved perfection on their level. Of course, the Original Being is not limited by any level, but people, existing beings, have a certain level of perfection, although it is the highest possible in the spiritual world. For this reason, human perfection does not mean complete omniscience. Angels are needed to complete it. They have perfection adapted to the level of their service to God and people. On the one hand, they are educators of people in the physical world, because their main goal is to bring God's children to a state of personal perfection. On the other hand, they are their partners after the entry of human spiritual persons into the spiritual world, once they have reached the state of perfection. Man, as an existing being, is destined to constantly learn about new phenomena, to expand the level of knowledge and to spread his love throughout the universe.
It should be added that people reach a higher level of spirituality than angels only after experiencing marital love. This level is not yet the level of ultimate human perfection realized as a result of earthly life. It is a temporary state received at the time of full knowledge of partner love, and yet another time at the time of falling in love with your partner or life partner. Meanwhile, we only get the right level of perfection after being tested in parental love. This cannot be achieved by an angel whose love remains only the love of a servant.
Due to the appearance of evil at the very beginning of human history, this order of universe prepared by the Creator was seriously disturbed. Various lower levels have arisen in the spiritual world that are transient. This applies to concepts used by various religions, such as purgatory or hell, which exist until the original state of creation is restored. It is about salvation, but this is a typically religious topic. This study will discuss it in the chapter entitled "God's providence and salvation"