Chapter 35

God's Providence and Salvation

I have repeatedly emphasized in this study the perfection of creation made by God. The Creator is perfect in every detail, because it is one of His basic qualities. Everything indicates, therefore, that there should be a perfect world inhabited by perfect people. To understand this, it is necessary to know about the participation of angels and man in the creation of the ideal world. Now I'm expanding this topic.

Because we don't have a perfect world, the field for asking many questions opens up. First of all, how did it happen that the promised Kingdom of Heaven did not arise? This is connected with the issue of responsibility for this state of affairs, i.e. for the resulting evil. There may still be questions regarding the correction of the situation, i.e. the process of salvation. Here, too, the question arises about the responsibility that the Creator, Person of the Savior, angels and people have.

First, it is worth understanding the Creator's responsibility for His Creation. It is the basis for understanding His Providence. Throughout this text, the assumption is made that God is absolute perfection. He planned to create an ideal world, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in the spiritual world. The implementation of this plan is the starting point for God’s Providence, leading man to become His perfect child, in His image and likeness. In this initial area there is a 100 percent responsibility of God, supported by the existence of the mentioned Providence. Of course, in this matter God fulfilled His responsibility.

The basic implementation of God's plan was done for a specific purpose and with full responsibility of the Creator. Among other things, therefore, angels were created. I need to use biblical records here because in my opinion there is no better source describing these events. According to the Bible, during the creation of the world, God spoke and described His activities with the words "let's do" and he assessed that what he created was good. In this way, the Creator could only turn to the angels, preparing them for future teaching and caring for His children, and making them acquainted with the ways of introducing His Providence. Because the angels "came out from the hands of the Creator," they should be perfect in their responsibility. For they had, as servants of God, to prepare people to be higher than their level of perfection, or to the level of God's children. It required following the path clearly marked by the Creator. By their very principle, they could not change their position of servants towards God and his children. That was, it is and this will be their responsibility forever in the work of Providence.

People's responsibility came down to accepting God's laws and principles and accepting his father's love. God's providence should be enough for the transition of growth to personal perfection. The only threat was that the strength of love given to God's children could have acted in the wrong direction in relation to the Archangel who was looking after them. Just overcoming this threat was a human part of responsibility for creating the perfect order of rule in the Kingdom of Heaven. In relation to God, it was insignificant, but it was necessary for people to be His real heirs and masters of the world of angels. In contrast, the responsibility of angels in the process of creating the world was greater than in the case of humans. It was a kind of responsibility that the teacher has towards his students. That is why the fulfillment of this responsibility by the Archangel in the Garden of Eden was crucial and necessary for the creation of a perfect world. Unfortunately, this did not happen, as explained previously.

The Kingdom of Heaven should first be created on Earth, and only then in the spiritual world. In accordance with the laws of Providence, the inhabitants of the physical world under the authority of God were to reach the level of perfection, and after their physical death "powered" with their existence the Kingdom of Heaven in the spiritual world. This means that the perfect sphere of the spiritual world, called the heaven, would be created gradually, built by people leaving Earth in a state of perfection. This is the result of the Creator's concept.

Thus, just as the process of reaching perfection, the process of salvation should also take place on earth in accordance with the laws of divine Providence. God is unchanging and perfect. He determined that the process of coming to Him will take place through life on Earth and it will never change. That is why the Savior of the world had to be born on Earth, go on the path to perfection and become the Son of God. Only then could He "ascend to Heaven" and be there forever with His Father. With his life he gave each of us an example to follow.

Who, then, can participate in the process of salvation? Of course, those who have access to the fallen world, that is, people and angels led by someone who has nothing to do with evil, but knows them well, that is, the Savior. Satan himself, or the fallen Archangel Lucifer, and his angels or evil spirits, will not contribute to salvation. These are those who were direct witnesses to the fall, which in the spiritual world is tantamount to participating in it. So responsibility for the world's salvation should naturally be accepted by all people, those on Earth and those in the spiritual world, led by the Savior and God's angels.

It was based on God's functioning Providence that the angels and central figures of the Old Testament led to a situation in which someone like Jesus Christ could be born on Earth. It's about the Second Adam, replacing the first from the Garden of Eden. The former did not reach the position of the Son of God, while Jesus in an individual duel defeated Satan and finally showed what it means to be the Son of God.

Let me remind you that God's effective Providence is not a direct, but indirect, participation of God in the process of salvation. It is an independent law of God that guides everyone to achieve personal perfection. That's why, sooner or later, it will lead to the creation of a perfect world, or the Kingdom of Heaven, popularly called heaven. It is Jesus Christ who personifies the realization of the principles of Providence. He was a perfect man carrying the Kingdom of Heaven. Although He moved in a fallen world, His spiritual person did not belong to this world, so He could say that he lives in heaven, but only temporarily moves in a "hellish" environment.

I repeat once again that God has only indirect participation in the process of salvation. Of course, every human being receives support from Heavenly Father in the form of His love and immovable source of laws and principles, means in the form of Providence discussed here. Jesus Christ, born among people, but not in hell, represents the Creator in this process and is the driving force of all actions. The testimony of God's indirect participation in salvation is the fact that the angels continue to play an important role in bringing the world to the state of the Kingdom of God. This is their unchangeable responsibility, hardly perceived by us. They have at their disposal the power of God and the possibility of influencing the spiritual persons of people on Earth and in the spiritual world. However, the angels themselves cannot carry out the process of salvation, but only support people in it. Their primary role is to lead people to eternal life, not resurrection.

People inherited from God the attributes of His personality because they were created in His image and likeness. Apart from love, goodness, the possibility of logical thinking and many other qualities, we also inherited a sense of responsibility from Heavenly Father. Our fallen nature, imposed upon us by the "master of this world", cannot drown out what we have taken from the Creator. Therefore, people, with the indirect support of God and the direct support of Jesus and angels, have a chance to bring about the full salvation of the world.

The fundamental mistake of many religions is the passive waiting for salvation to come from God. According to them, it is to be done only with His Will, His power and direct action, and in addition in the form of an unexpected event. This attitude can only be justified by the tendency to treat Jesus Christ as God Himself. This, however, further leads to the conclusion that God Himself saves the world, means it repairs evil, for which it is not responsible. This mistaken attitude of many religions is the cause of people's passivity and their increasing dependence on the activities of fallen nature. This attitude is very much liked by the "master of this world", because it can guarantee him further control of the world.

The long history of mankind can be treated as the course of the process of salvation, although one should not enter into the direct presence of God. During its lifetime, many relied on the fact that they were called to their mission by God Himself. This, however, cannot be true, because it would be evidence of God's direct intervention in the mechanisms of evil on Earth. The creator, however, never does it. He did not interfere in the fall in the Garden of Eden, that is, in the mechanism of evil created at that time, because it was beyond His reality. He does not interfere now in the hot world. Only the action of His Providence in the form of His rights participates in the process of salvation as a result of the existence of the original plan of creation. His Providence is a form of constant care for His children, which are now in the chains of evil. Therefore, the participation of individual people in the process of salvation is the result of their understanding of the laws of Providence. Thanks to this, they can realize the necessity of salvation and prepare other people for the coming of the Savior.

But how is practically a single person to work for the sake of salvation? Jesus showed this in a simple example, performing a wonderful multiplication of bread and fish. Proper interpretation of this event means acting by sharing with others what everyone has the most valuable. It's all about knowledge that comes from the original nature of man and about passing it on. It's like a communal rumor, which gradually spreads among people and over time begins to constitute an unwritten truth. This makes sense in the era of smartphones, the Internet and social networking sites, such as Facebook. At that time, people do not need supervisors, organizational structures and ceremonies. Each individual, supported by his guardian angel, may, as part of his responsibility, influence the salvation of the world.

The conclusion from the above reasoning is clear. For the salvation of humanity, people and angels led by the Savior are responsible. In this work, no one but the Son of God can say that he represents God Himself. For the Creator has given life to His Son more than two thousand years ago, just like any of us. It is still the same His eternal participation in the formation of the Kingdom of Heaven, and not interference in the fallen world. In the process of salvation, all people are supported by divine Providence, drawing strength to renew the world from His unchanging and boundless love.

After this, I am sure there are many "technical" questions about the practical implementation of the actions described above.

It's natural!  I also have many questions!











 Essenceism -

This is an analytical system that was created to understand the existence of God, the spiritual world and the eternity of man and which shaped the Theory of Eternal Existence - Author

This is the contents of the books about the system essenceism that shaped:

 the Theory of Eternal Existence    and the  Outline of Theory of Eternal Eexistence

1. Essenceism 1 - “God is not from this world”- (scientific understanding of God)

 2. Essenceism 2 - “We are from this world”- (understanding the role of man in relation to God)

 3. Essenceism 3 - “Evil is from this world”- (understanding of evil)

 4. Essenceism 4 - “Vision not from this world”- (understanding of salvation)

 5. Essenceism 5 - “Eternity is not from this world”- (understanding of eternity)

 6. Essenceism 6 - “Unreal gods from this world”- (understanding of religions)

  7. Essenceism 7 - “Love from this and not from this world- (understanding of love)

  8. Essenceism 8 - “Reality from this and not from this world- (understanding of reality)