Chapter 5

 Jesus' teaching about love was lost

A few days ago, I looked at the first two hundred A few days ago, I looked at the first two hundred views in a Google browser after entering the question, "What did Jesus Christ teach?" In response, I saw nothing but wonder at His teaching, at His immense sacrifice, and at the fact that He gave His life for our sins. Web entries praise Him for His victory over Satan and for saving the world from evil. Meanwhile, for two thousand years, nothing in the world has changed, especially as regards the victory over evil and the influence of Satan on the world. Unfortunately, just as evil has accompanied us from time immemorial, so we still do. It also turns out that Jesus' important teachings are still just slogans. Christians only talk about it, not put them into practice. The present level of evil on Earth is no less than it was before the appearance of the Son of God. Worse, its scale could be even greater.

To better understand the degree of distortion of Jesus' teachings, I will first list the most important of them:

1. Treating the other person, or neighbor, as yourself, as a brother, that is, with love.

2. Forgiving your neighbor unconditionally.

3. Paying back with good for evil.

4. Give love to even enemies.

5. Not to be angry with your neighbor, lest you yourself be guilty of a conflict with him.

6. Putting spiritual values ​​before material values, that is, not focusing on material goods.

7. Failure to judge others, so as not to be judged by the same measure, that is, humility towards others.

8. Not serving God and matters contrary to His Laws.

9. Be ready to lay down your life out of love for your friends.

10. Constant searching to find the truth about God.

11. Try to be as perfect as God.

In order to understand the lack of effects of Jesus' teaching, it is worth remembering about the significant phenomena that limited his mission. The first limitation concerns the very short time that He was given to teach. In the age of the Internet, television and wireless communication, we do not realize that in His time the only form of communication was orally giving teachings, going from place to place. The fact is, then, that He only gave us a small part of His teaching. No wonder that after three years, feeling that death was approaching, He found that He had many important things to explain, but that He did not have time to prepare people for such a knowledge. Therefore, Christian theologians should not claim that the ideas given to us about how to restore the world is complete. So they should not consider His work complete.

The second limitation is that Jesus' teachings concern only the individual level. The Son of God acted in the first instance as the Second Adam, wishing to restore the value of each individual man to the level of a child of God. The second Eve never appeared with Him. One can only guess that he once wanted to create a family, social, national and, finally, world level.

Third, the objective truth is that only His apostles and disciples could correctly remember His words as He traveled with them in Israel preaching His teachings. It is a pity that their testimonies were not recorded by themselves. Perhaps it was not because of the lack of education. According to essenceism, it is more likely that they were almost certain that their Master would come to Earth while they were still alive and continue His work of salvation with them.

According to the analysis of essenceism, the main error in conveying the words spoken by Jesus was the distortion of his teaching about love, which should prevail among people and create the so-called Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus made it clear that the only force that should maintain the relationship between people and the relationship with the Creator is the power of love. Unfortunately, his way of renewing the world has not been put into practice by Christians. It should be natural that from the very beginning the leaders of the emerging Christianity should begin to implement His teachings exactly in accordance with His words. However, there is a serious suspicion that the hierarchs seriously changed Jesus' message in the early days of the formation of the universal Christian church. The use of love alone, which gives freedom in all interpersonal situations, has been replaced with the use of commands and prohibitions that take away this freedom and introduce ecclesiastical authority. From this you can see that the leaders of Christianity used Christ's authority to give themselves authority over other people. Such behavior of the hierarchs is completely contrary to the whole life and teaching of the Son of God. In his day, it was the religious power with the political power that allied together to kill Him. Therefore, every authority was alien to Him, including that of teaching people. Christ's every word reveals the timeless value of the power of love for salvation. Unfortunately, this value and many other intentions of Jesus were obscured by commands, prohibitions and dogmas, which are the action of the power of authority towards people who believe in Him. In addition, in order to raise their position in society, the hierarchs made the Son of God the God Himself, using the dogma of the Holy Trinity. As a result, the Creator was demoted to the so-called imaginary god. It can therefore be concluded that Christian leaders not only did not accept the spirit of Jesus' teachings, but even adapted his teachings to perpetuate their power.

Due to the seriousness of the above claims, it is worth re-examining them. Only Jesus' words in a language that he did not use have survived to our day. In addition, it was done, unfortunately, several dozen years after his words. In addition, it was only three hundred years after his departure, i.e. during the Council of Nicaea convened by the emperor Constantine, that it was decided to agree in the form of a compromise on various versions of the Gospel records related to the teachings of the Son of God. Thus, during this council, various, often completely contradictory, records from previous centuries were unified. Therefore, the theologians' reference to the action of the Holy Spirit. in the transmission of Jesus' words, it can only be an escape from the truth.

It seems that the texts in the gospels have been adapted in such a way as to bring all Christianity into power at the national and even human level, ignoring the importance of individuals. Such a change in Jesus' teachings resulted from the failure to accept His teaching that in order for the world to be saved from evil and for good to be restored from the Creator, one must first strengthen love between people. Only in this way can Satan's power over people be weakened. Thus, without a proper understanding of the words of the Son of God about evil, the renewal of the world becomes practically impossible. Disregarding the will of Jesus, who as the Son of man wanted to be present among people at the time of saving the world from evil, the Christian hierarchs eliminated him from this position, making him God integrated with the Creator in the form of the Holy Trinity. Thus, the saving mission of Christianity has been replaced by the worship of the divinity of Christ. It means replacing the science of the eternity and uniqueness of every human being with the teaching that he is a weak and sinful being. Only the full inheritance by us of the humanity of the Son of God combined with the spiritual presence of angels among us could make any religion a permanent mechanism for driving the salvation of the world. In addition, there should be the spiritual presence of spiritual people liberated from Satan's rule. Jesus himself, to show that he intends to continue the process of saving the world from evil in a spiritual way, spent several dozen days after his resurrection among the apostles. He then indicated that it is possible to be present among us when he is in the spiritual world.

So, I should explain what essenceism is behind the action of the Holy Spirit. I must do this because Christian theologians most often cover their ignorance of Him with secrets or dogmas. When exercising power over the followers of their religion, the hierarchs freely use the laws they invented, which results in the prohibition of analyzing Someone whose actions we do not fully know. According to essenceism, Jesus announced personal support for the apostles from the spiritual world, so that they would understand his teaching about love as accurately as possible and that they could then proclaim it properly. According to essenceism, his announcement could refer to angels who have always been destined by the Creator to help people. Their joint action with the spiritual persons of the central figures of the Old Testament, and in particular of the women who served those who acted for the passage of the Messiah, could possibly be described as the action of the Holy Spirit. I have described this phenomenon in previous essenceism studies and on my websites. There I also showed a number of facts proving it based on the available sources. So it seems that the emergence of dogmas and the numerous laws associated with them has little to do with the teachings of Jesus. Therefore, my system does not take dogma into account, applying an analytical approach to all phenomena that religion deals with.

Thanks to the analysis of essenceism, which I carried out in a manner modeled on scientific methods, it can be concluded that a large part of the records that were placed in the New Testament during the formation of Christian dogmatism were prepared so as to make this religion a religion of power easily cooperating with secular authority, and especially with political. The result of the Council of Nicaea thus fulfilled the will of Constantine the Great, who wanted to make Christianity the ruling religion of his Empire. The fulfillment of this will meant that from that time on, instead of being a religion of love, Christianity became a religion of power. So it shared the fate of Judaism and later Islam, which were the religions of power almost from the beginning. Thus, the great religions revealed today are religions in which, instead of the power of love, are ruled by the power of authority inherited from the "ruler of this world," as Jesus called Satan. The rest of the world religions have also been burdened with power, fear and coercion. We no longer have any religion of true love as taught by Christ today. Unfortunately, many of them, contrary to the obvious facts, constantly stick to the narrative that they preach true love, which misleads millions of people around the world. This is one of the reasons that our world is a kind of hell in which there is no presence of the Creator of the universe, that is, the Father of humanity. Instead, we have a false god who, since the beginning of history, has maintained his hell with the help of the evil force of authority. This force of authority devours our world like a malignant tumor, making it a sick organism. Hence, human civilization can also be called a fallen world.

To sum up, Christian teaching is based on faith, which was established by the hierarchs of this religion. They introduced it at councils, adapting the teachings of Jesus to their current needs. It is for this reason that a theology developed which largely obscures the meaning of the teachings of Christ. Therefore, essenceism had to remind that the Creator of the universe, or the Original Being, is the only true God. It also reminds us that Jesus taught that the power of love that comes from Heavenly Father is the necessary force that people need to achieve salvation. Only a proper understanding of the operation of the power of love can lead to accepting the Son of God and to the salvation of the world. This is our task.










 Essenceism -

This is an analytical system that was created to understand the existence of God, the spiritual world and the eternity of man and which shaped the Theory of Eternal Existence - Author

This is the contents of the books about the system essenceism that shaped:

 the Theory of Eternal Existence    and the  Outline of Theory of Eternal Eexistence

1. Essenceism 1 - “God is not from this world”- (scientific understanding of God)

 2. Essenceism 2 - “We are from this world”- (understanding the role of man in relation to God)

 3. Essenceism 3 - “Evil is from this world”- (understanding of evil)

 4. Essenceism 4 - “Vision not from this world”- (understanding of salvation)

 5. Essenceism 5 - “Eternity is not from this world”- (understanding of eternity)

 6. Essenceism 6 - “Unreal gods from this world”- (understanding of religions)

  7. Essenceism 7 - “Love from this and not from this world- (understanding of love)

  8. Essenceism 8 - “Reality from this and not from this world- (understanding of reality)