Chapter 23
Hope in the Power of the Creator's Love
Essenceism proposes a new understanding of God, suggesting that it can be done without the use of religious theories known so far. Religions most often describe God as someone mysterious, judging our actions and controlling the world. This leads to fear of Him, to a humble attitude towards the clergy, and to the disappearance of true love. The very fact that we are faced with this problem shows that, until the present day, religions have failed to conceal that the Creator, by making the world the place of eternal love, cannot be where it has been destroyed by an evil power of authority. So let's change our present reality so that He can be with us and that we can really benefit from the gift of His love.
First, with the intuitive assumption that He exists, we should ask ourselves some important questions: what is His concept of the universe, who is man for Him and who is He for us? The willingness of science to answer these questions makes it necessary to create research models, in which it is necessary to precisely define the framework for action, establish the necessary research conditions and adopt appropriate research tools. If possible, they must result from the experiences of other researchers and their attempts to solve this topic. This is how science works, and it is worth following an example when researching all kinds of problems. I did that too, this time in the face of spiritual phenomena.
We now have a lot of knowledge about the cosmos that science has brought at our disposal. Using this knowledge, my essenceism shows that there is beauty in the cosmos that stimulates love. It also presents logical analyzes, collects concrete evidence and uses various models that allow you to verify the correctness of the thesis that the universe was created as an act of love for people. Therefore, it does not in any way detach from the emotional view of the cosmos. Thanks to this view, the Original Being can be understood not only as the Giver of Law and Energy, but also as the Source of good and eternal love.
Taking the existence of the Original Being as the main assumption of essenceism, I created a model of the Creator of the universe as part of a scientific procedure, trying to make it simple and close to human imaginations. I decided that the most appropriate term for Him, apart from the commonly used name of God, should be primordial. Defining Him as the Original Being in the first step, I had to introduce additional explanations about the Center of His Original Personality, i.e. the Heart from which the main creative force should come, called the Original Force of Love. I admit that I had come a long and steady realization of the Creator's Heart after analyzing the many premises for and against. For I did not want to introduce untested knowledge into essenceism. To this end, I once again reviewed the research instruments used at the beginning and the principles that followed. Additionally, out of numerous testimonies about the spiritual experiences of people, I had to choose the ones that were sufficiently credible and least controversial. These included, first of all, the experiences of the resuscitated people who survived the state of death. Their testimonies confirmed contact with eternity, absolute goodness, and what they described as pure, perfect love. It is in this special experience of love that my system sees the feeling of the Heart of the Original Being and the Original Force of Love flowing from it.
Therefore, I will summarize the train of thought leading to the understanding of the Heart and the Love of the Original Being. That He must be eternal should come as no surprise to anyone. Also that it is absolute, perfect and perfect. The fact that it is good means that it has a clearly defined standard of value consistent with the purpose of its actions. It is the understanding of the harmony of eternity, absoluteness, perfection and goodness that ensures that these features have a common point, because in the Personality of the Original Being everything is One. This is how the certainty of the existence of His Heart was created, from which "flows" the Force that shapes the universe, life and ourselves. It is this force that I have called the Original Force of Love.
That is why I constantly use the term Creator next to the name Original Being, because He, as the subject of my research, makes sense only when He is the Source and the First Cause of the creation of all things. Otherwise, he would only be an imaginary object of human deliberation. Therefore, all the attributes and characteristics I have given must relate to His creative activity, for which the "directional tool" is the Original Force of Love described here. Its existence shows that the Original Being created the universe, life and ourselves out of Himself. This is how I describe the above ideas resulting from the analysis of essenceism. They are also the basis for my theory of eternal existence.