Chapter 1
Types of imaginary gods
(First I will list the kinds of gods whose names have resulted from my analysis. The second part will present the results of the activities of various creators of religious systems from the last century.)
Private god - shaped by a given person.
An ideal, dream god - one that people would like to have for themselves.
God fictitious, that is, as it should be to fit human fictional image about Him.
An imaginary god - fitting human imaginations – "a god in the image and likeness of man".
God preached by religious and secular power - suitable for people of both religious and political power. This is what it should be, so that they can reign over people, control them based on God’s qualities and use people hopes.
Intentional god - a god existing in the creative imagination of man, created in human consciousness, that is, the one that should be according to the intention of the creator of a given concept.
God absolute - a perfect god, personal or impersonal, eternally existing in an absolute way, independent of anything.
God the Creator - the one who created and continued the universe, life and people.
Pantheistic god - the impersonal god of the world, the eternal absolute identified with everything that exists, but does not interfere with the world.
Deistic god - the constructor of the world who made it function like a mechanism. It is the god who established the source and eternal state of reality. Such an impersonal god does not interfere with the created world.
Theistic god - the god involved in the fate of the world he created. It is a god who watches over people, knows our world and judges our actions.
Tribal god - shaped by the experiences of ancient peoples, such as the Arab tribes. He was later transferred as a universal god to the modern era. This is Allah.
National god - created to care for a nation, such as Israel, such as Yahweh.
God appointed by religious leaders - that is, as established by the hierarchy of a religion - applies, for example, to Jesus Christ.
Christian God - typical theistic God, Heavenly Father in the form of the Holy Trinity; the eternal creator of all things, all-knowing and perfect. Such a god has everything under control and will judge everyone.
Mohammedan God - described by Muhammad as the Lord of the Worlds, or Allah mentioned above.
... and other gods not mentioned here...
In the essenceism system, I present the Creator God described by myself as The Original Being - eternal, absolute and perfect, which, due to the existence of evil on Earth, is not directly present in the state of our civilization.
In the late nineteenth century, and into the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, it means about our last century, there appeared many preachers of religious ideas, in which I became interested in. Most often they were very spiritual people who had some visions or revelations behind them. They were quite often accepted by the so-called crowds of people, which was not always good for them. Of course, I do not count among them the authors and philosophers who present their views mostly through the university. I list below some of the spiritual gurus I know, although I cannot put their ideas into alphabetical or time order. I also attached one book of undefined authorship.
Mirza Gulan Ahmad (1835-1908) - Islamic reformer, thinker and guru, presenting himself as the Promised Messiah. He and his achievements have been presented to me in detail in the form of several articles by his followers. As a messiah, he did not convince me of his views.
Oskar Ernst Bernhardt (also known as Abdrushin), (1875-1941) - German businessman and writer, author of the large work "In the Light of Truth", with which I struggled for many months. His followers recognized him as the Son of Man and worshiped him. The subjective descriptions of the world contained in his work and the belief in reincarnation are difficult for me to accept.
Merwan Sheriar Bani, Meher Baba (1894-1965). This guru treated himself as the incarnation of God. He started his own religious group in his early days, but then fell silent and talked by pointing to letters on special tablets. However, it is difficult to learn anything from the "silent holy man."
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1987) - Indian teacher with a very rich biography. I read several of his lectures, wanting to explain the most important things for mankind. From the richness of his words, only individual advice can be derived, hence, unfortunately, I could not find in them basic solutions regarding the knowledge of God and important problems of humanity.
Martinus (1890-1981) - Danish writer and thinker, author of a number of works under the common title "Third Testament". He did not create any religious denomination, but presented a series of logical analyzes of reality. I spent many hours on his concepts, although they lacked a clear vision of the rise and existence of evil. Unfortunately, I cannot accept his understanding of human existence based on reincarnation.
Sai Baba (1926-2011) is a Hindu guru, treated almost like God by his followers. I looked through a book borrowed from one of his followers about the views of this religious leader called "Sai Baba Speaks to the West." I found in it a lot of beautiful teachings, slogans and ideas related to proper morality, and of course, reincarnation and meditation. It's such a better Buddhism with faith in the omnipresent God. As a scientist, it is difficult for me to accept it all.
Sun Myung Moon (1920-2012) - Korean religious leader, viewed by followers as a messiah. The creator of the religious work "The Divine Principle", in which I found many logical analyzes of God's activities. For a long time I was present in various activities of the religious movement he founded and participated in many scientific conferences organized by the Society of Scholars for World Peace that he founded. After his death, his work was dispersed and fell short of the expectations of those who believed in him.
Rajneesh Chandra Mohan Jain also known as Osho (1931-1990) - Indian spiritual master and author of the controversial book "From Sex to the Superconscious" that I read. I was interested in the criticism of all faith and the search for freedom from any commands and dogmas. I was rejected from him by the conflicts and moral scandals he caused. This is not how a spiritual master should act.
Guru Maharaja Dzi (born in 1958) - a young charismatic guru attracting crowds of believers. He creates himself as a holy man equal to the gods. It's not for me.
Bulent Corak Mevlana (born in 1923) and her "Book of Knowledge" written in the years 1981-1993. This Turkish spiritual guru has created a truly enormous work of transmitting secret knowledge from other dimensions. I have read excerpts from her work available to the public in Polish and I would classify it as fantasy, not scientific, but metaphysical.
"Book of URANTI" - was written in the years 1924-1955. It is a powerful religious work covering the history of the creation of universes, the structure of the spiritual world and the history of mankind to the present day. This book deals with such a variety of topics that it is difficult to define it as scientific, religious or philosophical. I have been struggling with it for many months, but I am still incapable of accepting any views from it.
I must admit, unfortunately, that any experience with the above ideologies has had no effect whatsoever on my current scientific and religious views. Rather, they showed me what they shouldn't be.
I would like to clarify that my system of essenceism does not create any religion, does not impose any dogmas, or create any kind of cult. So do the clergy. However, it points out to religious hierarchs and political leaders that they are responsible for repairing our world, i.e. freeing our world from evil. My system also shows that God is a perfect Being who has activated His perfect work once and for all. It inevitably tends to be perfect. Although mankind has interrupted this development, sooner or later the Creator's work will be completed sooner or later. My system is therefore used to understand the original concept of the Creator towards the universe and to apply it to repair the reality that surrounds us.